Initial I consulted the owner about pots,switches,etc.. and my believe toward good parts.He agreed with my proposition.After its done I felt the frets were quiet worn and don't response to my playing very well.
Since my client don't have the budget for both Electronics and Refret Work.I urges him to go for the latter...Its an urgent job and I have to apologise for the amount of pictures.Taking own photo while doing refret does dent my focus.hehe
Imagine a car with just installed Soup up Carbs,but with all 4 tires in dire condition.
A very close friend of Andy FP Full got the chance to try this guitar and gave 7/10 for my work..
haha..Thank you.

how much do u charge for re-fretting works?
(22-fret, jumbo or extra jumbo)
Fantastic post. The pics on refretting are a great learning resource for me. Thanks.
Bro on rate available in the Guitar and bass repair charges..
in other words for s 7/10 rating its expensive..haha.
for the time being I am trying stewmac wide highest #150(9 neck so far,so good.),which visual close to jumbo.
I might try out other brands in future.
curremtly stocking only stewmac
cikgu,you should try it..its fun..
Cikgu,Whats pantun in english called?
Yes, YT, it does look like good, clean fun, and seeing those shiny new frets is exciting :).
'Pantun' is known as 'pantoum' in English. In fact, the white men took it from Tanah Melayu to the west and its influence has spread. This is how Bob Holman & Margery Snyder define 'pantoum:'
"Brought to the West by Victor Hugo, the pantoum is derived from a Malaysian form of interlocking four-line stanzas in which lines 2 and 4 of one stanza are used as lines 1 and 3 of the next. The lines may be of any length, and the poem can go on for an indefinite number of stanzas. Usually the paired lines are also rhymed. The form may be resolved at the end either by picking up lines 1 and 3 of the first stanza as lines 2 and 4 of the last, thus closing the circle of the poem, or simply by closing with a rhymed couplet."
Thank you for the elaborate help.
Most welcome. You know, a teacher can never stop being a teacher :)
I agree 110% on that.
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