22 September 2016

Here's my stand and why.Part II.

Hello readers,

In this post I'll be writting about another fixture that can be attach to a hand drill.Despite it's being disqualified as a drill stand,it could do the job pretty good too.With a bit of careful positioning and some DIY jigging(on arc top guitars),these fixtures or better known as drill guide in general could do a job of a big drill press without breaking the bank.However some do cost more than one might expect.I think the plus point here is mobility.

Having said that,I have to confess as I didn't do as many research as I did as the previous post and I'm aware of many manufacturers has some similarity derived from the same mechanics.So here goes.

The first drill guide attachment was invented by Millers Falls Co in 1883.The manual hand drill was called a breast drill.I'm sure the drill guide attachment came to be out of common sense.this had solved the how to drill straight down question at the time.No doubt this drill guide had inspired all the drill guide makers of today.A couple of facts,Thomas Edison discovered electricity in 1879.In 1895 the first electric power tool was invented in Germany by Emil Fein of Fein Elektrowerkzuege.From my Internet digging Edison had wrote to Fein requesting a catalog.As for who made the marriage of the electric tool and the drill guide I have no idea.Could be the Germans too?

From then on emerged many variant derived from the original..Most will have a keyed chuck permanently attach in case your power drill has terrible spindle run out.You should research about the the stock chuck if concentricity is a priority.Some has the ability to do angle drilling,spring retention and depth stop bushing.Google and you get brands like Kanzawa,Craftsman,Milescraft,Wolfcraft, and generic.

Why put a chuck when most of the worlds famous power tools with good chuck comes from your country.That's probably the reason this Wolfcrat Tecmobil 4522000 don't come with one.Talk about build it like a boss.Comes with 10 year warranty.

The boss made another one.The Tecmobil 200.I'm beginning to like green color schemes from this company.It's easy for the eyes.
The Tecmobil 200 comes with 10 year warranty too.

The Rockler Jig It has a two drill guide design that away does away with angle drilling.It's very ideal if you only do straight drill.  

Another type of Rockler drill guide.

This Famag is for millionaires,celebrities,oil sheik etc.Its being sold by the same shop that sells the DUSS.Price? Don't ask.

I will conclude this write up in part 3,where I will share my stand and why I bought it.
Till then.


yusrina said...

Senang2 tu singgah la ke blog yusrina bro yustech.


Abdul Aziz Sanford said...

Thank you so much for all the research. Certainly beats the wood block I'm using. Have to start saving up!

MartinH said...

Hi Yus. Nice to see you soninvolved in your oine of expertise that you are passionate enough to write about it. Keep it up!! It's good for the soul!! Martin.