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Baik,selepas menempa kejayaan jualan dari 50an ke lewat 70an,tumbuh ancaman baru dari negara matahari terbit.Mereka mula meniru rekaan jenama ternama gitar dari barat terutama Fender dan Gibson juga lain2 lagi.Tapi mereka ini bukan bongok dan tiada harga diri hingga meniru sampai ke dekal.Jadi muncul jenama seperti Tokai,Fernandes dan lain-lain.Syarikat mereka berdaftar dan beralamat rasmi.

Maka ia menjadi gangguan kepada penjualan Fender Strat terutama pada mereka yang cerdik pandai menilai harga kepada qualiti.Saya dengar ramai kata Fender saman mereka diatas.Pada saya selagi tiada bukti nombor kes mahkamah,ia dongeng nujum pak belalang.Fender bukan bodoh sampai tidak menimbang kesan kemudiannya.Apa kata pengguna jika Syarikat besar menyaman syarikat kecil atas dasar bentuk hampir serupa.Nanti ada yang menyangka luthier Jepun lagi hebat kan?Nanti ada yang kecil hati sebab Fender ingat kita pengguna tidak boleh membaca,menulis.Khuatir terbeli Navigator Strat bila hendakkan Fender Strat.? Ya.mujur Fender tidak sebodoh itu nye adoi.

Jadi macamana kita(Fender) nak buat ini? Senang saja,dari kita ke mahkamah jom kita muktamar dengan mereka(Fujigen,Matsumoko etc..).Kita bagi kontrak buat Fender Strat.Versi Jepun,Rasmi,Asli.Bagi pengguna berbelah bahagi sedikit bila lihat Tokai MIJ Strat dan Fender MIJ Strat pada harga yang dekat.Tapi buat masa ini jangan beri kebenaran kotraktor kita ikut spec USA.Bagi pakai barang keras sana lah,bagi mereka freedom sikit untuk berkarya dengan barang keras dan electronic.

Masaalah selesai tapi hanya buat sementara waktu sahaja,Fender Japan mula berkreatif dengan barang keras yang melepasi prestasi Strat USA.Cuba tengok jambatan diatas.Tekan masuk bukan screw masuk,stabil dan buatan berquality.Saya tau lah,saya setup guitar ini dan lenjan sekali.Saya tiada aduan terhadapnya.Bila cawangan(MIJ) mengancam ibu pejabat(MIA).Keluarkan arahan menghenti pembuatan model2 yang memberi ancaman tersebut.Sekat kebebasan pembuatan mereka.Jangan bagi mereka(them) mereka(designing) dan mengada-ada(membuat) lagi.Banyak kilang perabut yang mahu bersekongkol dengan kita.Siapa tidak mahu duit.Kitakan FMIC.Dollar bro,dollar!..Banyak cerita tukar kontraktor lagi.Cari yang tidak cakap banyak dan hanya patuh arahan lukisan teknik,pembuatan dan pemilihan kayu.Lepas ini jangan hendak memandai ya.Spec sudah kita(Fender) sediakan,kamu disana hanya buat dan jual sahaja.Tapi ingat!!dalam Jepun sahaja tau!

Lagipun syarikat besar di Jepun dah mula malu sendiri dan dah ada ada rekaan sendiri.Yamaha,ESP dan Ibanez sudah ada rekaan sendiri.Biar mereka rasa apa perasaannya bila ada luthiers China,Korea Indonesia,Malaysia etc meniru rekaan mereka nanti..Haha...Tugasan selesai.Ayuh ke Ibu Pejabat Corona buat Youtube video.Kita canangkan kayu yang kita pilih tidak sama dengan kayu perabut,ia lain dan punya kesihiran tone.Siapa punya perancangan ini? ana bagi 25 persen lah.
Kebelakangan ini saya dengar akan tiada Fender MIJ lagi?betul ke?..Saya tidak berapa terkilan kecuali pada model diatas dan sewaktu dengannya.Pada saya 80an merupakan puncak kegemilangan tecknologi Fender Japan.Dimata Fender Corona ia seolah "harapkan pagar,pagar yang terjual dari padi."Sayang seribu sayang semua telah berlalu.
Jika anda berpeluang membeli Fender Strat era itu,beli sahaja.Anda akan menyedari kefungsian pada tahap sepatutnya.
English Version.
So the story goes like this,according to my understanding.
After racking much sales successes from 50's to late 70's,emerge a new threat surfacing from the land of the rising sun.The luthiers in the east began copying famous models that's being produced by Fender,Gibson etc..but the Japanese aren't that dumb to copy them to the very decal itself.This is the Japanese we're talking about.They have pride.The Americans had the P51 Mustang,the Japanese has the Mitsubishi Zero.The American has Ford,the Japanese came out with Toyota,Honda,Mitsubishi etc.The American landed on the moon(faked),the Japanese choose to land their appliance in every homes in the world.Which I think is always better.
Indeed they are nation of pride and proud to release to the world their Tokai's,Fernandes's etc.These are registered companies with an address for mailing.
So the Fender company found this could be a potential threat to their guitar sales especially to those who's smart to value price for quality.I heard and read Fender sued many Japanese companies.Until someone shows/point me the court case number and judgement,I'm going to assume its a blown out of proportion myth.Would such giant corporation sue another company just because its design resembles another persons back? Fender is no idiot about the possible repercussion of such action. Wouldn't that be saying the Japanese Luthiers does it better too.? Isn't that also implying we consumer has fuzzy vision or illiterate thinking we'd bought Fender Strat when by right its a Navigator Strat?I sure appreciate the concern though I can't read but I certainly can tell apart the difference between the alphabet F,T,B,N,Y,E,.
So how do Fender neutralize this situation? Quiet easy.If you can't fight them,join them.Instead of going to court,go to Japan and hire them to work for you.There's many good factories there.Fujigen,Matsumoko just to name a few.Better to have their best luthiers working on guitar that will have our name on it.We'll open a Japanese division,give them freedom to experiment just so long they don't use American woods,hardware's and electronics.To make thing interesting,price them close to the copies.That'll will be quiet a dilemma to buyers.Mmm..that MIJ strat is just a bit more than this Fernandes.Fuck Fernandes! I'm buying a Fender.!Furthermore consumers will have more choices at our newly broaden line up.Starters will be going for the Japs or Mexs made.Our USA models with selected sprinkled tone dust by our reared tone wood fairy in Corona would be their next targeted acquisition.
Problem solved.Well not quiet I'm afraid.The Japanese division took it seriously in a creative way.Just look at the bridge of on this one.Its pop in instead of threads,stable that it surpases its Americans siblings.I setup this guitar,I abused it so I know what I'm writting about.So then emerge conflict of interest between Japanese employee and USA employer.I bet back then the Japs Strat were selling more than expected.Well if I were a consumer back then I would buy any ST series with those tremolo bridge.It works fine and I don't need to fork out more money for a bridge that don't stay in tune in the first place or claimed to have magical tone paint/lacquer.So move aside Japanese ingenuity,we the Fender company are taking over the control.No more fancy or flashy paint work,no more super bridge that stays in tune.For that and other hardware,the Corona family had talked with Gotoh,I'm sure you know them.So you guys be there when their van comes.From now on we tell you what you can make and what to put in.Oh ya one more thing,you can only sell it in your country.Do not ship it to USA please.Try to remember who's the boss here!.That's that.
Lately I heard Fender ceasing Made in Japan production.Is this true?
My opinion about this guitar is buy it if you have chance.I think the 80's were the pinnacle of Made in Japan Fender line up.
Tidak percaya kesihiran kayu
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