26 January 2019

ESP MII Deluxe

It's seem from 2001 to 2004, there's a gap of MIA documentation or catalog in ESP's website. From this guitar self presentation, its definitely genuine and I believe in those times that ESP was changing the pickup spec to Seymour Duncan while temporary maintaining the dark fingerboard and deluxe font. I don't know if the missing "Deluxe" font since 2005 meant some lost of pride or value for today buyers or current owners but fret not as any model in this tier are high quality in terms of construction and its metal wares (and pickups too at most time).
The fix done to this MII are the usual setup,clean up(external and internal) and minor fret leveling. Things that are normal for quality built guitars and its how it should always be. None of that catch 22 problem like twisted neck or twisted neck. Did I said it twice? Oh yes I did. On purpose of course. Hehe.
 The electronics looks stock if I may say so. One of the wires going to the output jack(replaced with Switchcraft) looked strained. I don't believe this was ESP's doing as I've seen most of their wiring and they are awesome in such work. The selector tip was missing and none of my import selector tip could fit. It looks to have coarser threads like what commonly use by Gibson. So yes, that issue left unresolved on my end.
The frets was in workable condition prior at the string height that it was. The height was in fact too low for me and the owner wants the height to maintain or lower with those random fret buzz spots gone. After fret leveling done things improved a bit but because I'm a hard picker, I felt like the fret buzz randomly come and go. Maybe the before buzzes was still on playback mode in my head?
I explained it to my customer and see how the MII behaves in his hands. It seem okay to him and he recognized that I had resolve the problem. For your information the owner is a guitar tech in his own right so you can imagine my concern of delivery. It looks I passed this test but I know there will more random test coming ahead in the future. Hehe.

Thank you

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