Among all the model offered by Fender in their catalog.Only 2 models have my attention.All the opposite of the Vintage model.The American Deluxe and the above American Standard.Mainly because of the pivot bridge,22 frets and of course the thing that most people overlook but yet important when buying a Strat.The fingerboard Radius.9.5" or 10" suits me fine.
Thank you and enjoy.
Really nice guitar, thanks for sharing. A question ... are the 3 humbuckers stock on the Am Std Strat, or were they added later? Thanks in advance.
Apparently they aren't.The owner switch it imediately after purchasing the guitar.I was merely finishing the previous wirework and some tweaking at the bridge.You welcome Cikgu.
Oh, thanks, that clears my doubts. If Fender offered an Am Std strat with stock DiMarzio Hot Rails, I'm sure they would be even more popular.
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