28 February 2019

Ernie Ball Musicman Caprice

I have to say if the bass visitation continues, I'm going to be a bassist. In fact I've been enjoying bass noodling for some years now. No slap work but just fingers. To my ears every notes sound affirming and important to the music without ever needing any external help from distortion,chorus,delay etc. I remember when I was a frequent jammer long time ago, nobody wants to be the bassist. Back then we were young and thin so the bass proportion do not look good on any of us. Once one of us got picked to be the bassist then that's it. He'll be the bassist in our lepak band for life. I was lucky that I practiced so hard to affirm my position as a guitarist. I didn't care which position, lead or rhythm as long as it is guitar then its good. Hehe.
Imagine you had paid several thousand dollars for high end bass guitar. Some years later you send it for setup. The tech found some fret sprout beyond 12th fret. The bass still young to be having such problem. The neck had not fully dried?  I remember a factory tour video some years ago where the brand boss/owner told their neck is prep for some weeks before its assemble and ship to countries like Malaysia. Yes, he did mentioned Malaysia specifically. Go figure.
The rest of the electronics looks good and modern. The use of PCB showed the maker understanding about assembly efficiency. The use of Noble pots is great in terms of proven reliability. The output jack supposed to be trust-able brand. Hopefully something from Switchcraft since the bass was made in USA. Instead they put some RSTW brand which you've never heard before. Sounds like someone conjured the name from keypad typo. The nut looks similar to Earvana whom was sued by you know who. Who won? I do not know what people call this kind of nut now. EBvarna? Suevarna?
All in all the bass is good in terms of overall construction. No twist or any of such thing at the neck. But then again the output jack bothers me though. Would it cost them millions to put in a Switchcraft? I bet they had saved hundred of thousand by choosing a generic. Did I mentioned this bass is couple of thousand dollars? Oh yes I did. 

Thank you

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