Seasoned,worn well and musically abused.Those are words that reflects this low slung meant to be in between your legs metal with wood log.The crackles are not only on the headstock and nut but are also found at the pots.As like any more than 5 years CTS pots,I'm reluctant to change them until I do a full clean up.Then if problems still persist,it gets change without hesitant.
The neck vol pot seems to be ceasing intermittently,bridge vol pot however has no business being in such guitar in the first place,the neck tone pot was discovered shorted when I'm doing the setup(playing it). Good that I did the shown grounding method as taking it out was jiffy.We,the solder fume sniffers are familiar with all the hassle of ruining a good days work on a guitar.Certainly don't want that.The forth pot were left alone but I'm expecting a recall any time soon.Don't change when not broken?The original hook up wire interfacing the controls to toggle to output jack seem shorter to work with,so it too was replace.
The neck was slightly relief(bengkok) with deepen nut slots.We all know what happen when its tighten to true straight later.Buzz without feiten of course.The default nut sits deep,knocking it back and forth was not a good idea.Sawing it slowly was the only way.Hand tool,motor tool what ever this hands can get to rid it.I certainly don't enjoy this.A fresh bone nut were installed for a fresher new boner.
the 4th thing i've learned from yustech, hahaha thnaks!
You're welcome,sharing is together learning.
Detailed pics and explanation. Excellent learning resource for all of us. Thanks a million.
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